Tiger Gazette Staff 1959-60
Seated L-R: Linda Duncan, Larry Albright, Barbara Bryant, Michael Hilsenrad, Allan Ament, Jim Sullins, Bonnie Norene, Kenny Bates, Joan Yale, Elizabeth Moran.
Standing L-R: Alice Pleiss, Carol Embree, Judy Warwick, Linda Payne, Advisor Mary Ann Mixon, Sara Shifrin, Karen Scott, Beverly Wiggington, Lynn Flowers.
This page and the following pages contain clippings from the 1959-60 Tiger Gazette.
Read all pages by clicking on the link at the bottom of each page.
Editor's Note:  If your favorite clip comes from issue number 4 of our senior year, let me apologize in advance.  For reasons unknown, I don't have a copy of that issue.  JS